Sabtu, 23 November 2019

Opinion Paragraph +example (ENG)

cr: https://thelogicalindian.com/story-feed/opinion/

Opinion paragraph
is a paragraph which express one's idea or belief about a particular subject (mostly about facts), consist of a fact and an opinion. To express an opinion, we use modal auxiliaries such as could, should, must, has to, ought to or shouldn't, can't, must not, doesn't have to for negative sentence. Coordinating conjunction is always needed to connect two clauses into one good sentence, for example: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. We can use correlative conjunction like either...or, neither...nor, both...and, not only...but also / as well.


A. Topic : Drinking pure water
B. Topic sentence : People should drink pure water regularly and make it as a habit.
C. Supports / evidences / facts :

  1.  Keeps you hydrated
  2. Makes you healthier and looks fresh
  3. Supports your diet and kidney function
  4. Takes care of the health of your skin and hair
  5. Protects your heart and brain

Drinking Pure Water
People should drink pure water regularly and make it as a habit. It more than just quench your thirst. If you drink it regularly 2 litres a day, it will gives you a lot of benefits that good for your body. Some journals said that drinking pure water keeps you hydrated and ease dizziness, so you will always in a good condition every time. Moreover, it takes care of the health of your skin and your hair. You don’t need an anti-aging cream or a hair supplement, just take 2 glasses of water in the morning and 2 glasses before sleep to keep them beauty last longer. If you’re on a diet program, it’s a perfect time to start drinking pure water as a habit. Not only support your diet, but it also supports your kidney function as well. Most importantly, it protects your heart and your brain. Sometimes when you feel your concentration is loss it because of less drinking water. Drink 8 glasses of pure water regularly will keeps you hydrated, makes you healthier and looks fresh every day.

Zemach, Dorothy E. Rumisek, Lisa A. Academic Writing from Paragraph to Essay. MacMillan. 5:33.
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